Fleas are one of the most common parasites. They’re small, wingless and jumpy parasites which feed off human and animals blood. They can jump 150 times their length and make pets feel itchy and uncomfortable.
Fleas cause a number of health problems, such as skin allergies, anaemia, bacterial and tapeworm infections. They’re most active over Summer but are about all year around. Their eggs and pupae can stay dormant and survive many environments, until they conditions are right for them to hatch, and then they jump onto their host.
Signs of a flea infestation may start off which your pet being itchy, scratching and biting its skin and coat. When you look closer at the skin and coat you may notice red, irritated bumps or blisters, flea dirt (flea faeces) or adult fleas crawling around. Flea irritation and dirt are most commonly found around the base of the tail and the lower back. Flea dirt looks like black/ dark red speckles.
You can differentiate it from dirt with this simple trick. If you collect some flea dirt, put it on some paper and add water it will leak a reddish tinge… that means it’s most likely flea faeces